Bringing Clarity To The Dreams Of Students In Public Schools

Favour and Princess were among the 130 students who attended the Keeping It Real (KIR) Foundation 21st Career Guidance and Counselling (CGC) Workshop, which took place on the 25th of July 2022 in Comprehensive Secondary School, Oginigba, Port Harcourt. It was the first time the two girls had ever attended a Career Guidance and Counselling Workshop.
Favour; a 14-year-old Senior Secondary School One student from a disadvantaged background supports her parents by going to Hairdressing salons in her neighbourhood to offer her services as a budding Hair Stylist. Her dream is to become a professional teacher and shape the lives of the younger generation positively, but she often wondered if her parents will be able to sponsor her dream! However, after Barr. Abimbola’s session on Law and Arts, Favour was really motivated to believe that she could further her on education in the University and pursue her dream of becoming a teacher.
Barr. Abimbola during her session had mentioned that it was possible to work and sponsor oneself through university by going to school part-time. After the Entrepreneurship session, which was facilitated by Mr Kesena Odogwa, Favour realised that she has a vocational skill, Hair braiding!
Furthermore, the session on Digital Marketing and Social Media, which was handled by Atat Charles and the KIR Foundation, Business Support Officer; Ejike Onyeke, also exposed Favour and her schoolmates to the world of marketing their services, skills and products. Favour understood from the above sessions that if she upgraded and monetized her skills, she could achieve her dream of becoming a teacher and more. Now, Favour firmly believes that it is up to her to create the future that she wants and not depend on her parents.