Join the 3 Million Technical Talent (3MTT) Fellowship for a Brighter Future

3mtt fellowship

Are you ready to take your technical skills to the next level and secure a promising future in technology? If so, the 3 Million Technical Talent (3MTT) fellowship is your gateway to success! This groundbreaking initiative, led by the Federal Ministry of Communication, Innovation, and Digital Economy (FMoCIDE), is set to reshape the landscape of Nigeria’s digital economy.  This extraordinary opportunity is for every Nigerian who wants to play a role in the emerging Digital Economy!

A Vision for the Future

The 3MTT programme aims to build Nigeria’s technical talent backbone and establish the country as a net talent exporter. This visionary project will be executed in collaboration with the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) and promises a brighter future for both individuals and the nation as a whole.

Phase One: The Fellowship Model

The first phase of the 3MTT programme is designed as a fellowship model, where the FMoCIDE will select individuals with a passion for specific technical skills and fund their training. This investment in your development is a testament to the government’s commitment to nurturing talent and boosting the country’s digital economy.

Transformative Training

The heart of the 3MTT fellowship lies in empowering you with cutting-edge technical skills. In this first phase, the focus will be on twelve pivotal technical skills, including 

01) Software Development

02) UI/UX Design

03) Data Analysis and Visualisation

04) Quality Assurance

05) Product Management

06) Data Science

07) Animation

08) AI / Machine Learning

09) Cybersecurity

10) Game Development

11) Cloud Computing

12) Dev Ops. 

These skills are your key to surviving and thriving in the local and global technical talent marketplace.

Be Part of the Workforce of the Future

The FMoCIDE’s vision is clear: they want to build the workforce of the future. This is your chance to be part of this exciting nation-transforming mission!  Whether you’re a budding developer, an aspiring designer, or a cybersecurity enthusiast, there is a place for you in the 3MTT fellowship.

How to Apply

Are you ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? To apply for the 3MTT fellowship, visit the official website at 3MTT Fellowship Application. Take advantage of this golden opportunity to acquire the skills that will set you on a path to success and a brighter future!

Spread the Word

The more, the merrier! Share this fantastic opportunity with your friends, family, and professional network. Let us ensure that everyone in Nigeria has the chance to benefit from the 3MTT programme. Together, we can shape a brighter future for our nation.

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