UNDP Timbuktoo Fintech Startup Accelerator Programme

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The Timbuktoo Fintech Startup Accelerator Programme, by the United Nations Development Programme, is aimed at technology-driven startups in Africa focused on leveraging innovations in the financial services sector to address complex development challenges on the continent.

The programme seeks startups with scalable solutions, a defensible position, and a clear monetisation strategy. 

Benefits of the Programme:
Access to Resources: Startups gain access to a network of resources including mentorship, expertise, and guidance from experienced professionals in the fintech industry.
Capacity Building: The programme provides opportunities for capacity building through workshops, training sessions, and educational resources tailored to the needs of fintech startups.
Networking Opportunities: Participants have the chance to network with fellow entrepreneurs, investors, potential partners, and industry experts, fostering collaborations and partnerships that can accelerate growth.
Funding Opportunities: Get funding or connect startups with potential investors or funding opportunities to support their growth and scalability.
Market Access: Startups can gain access to new markets and opportunities within the African continent, potentially expanding their customer base and market reach.

Startups with founders who are citizens of any African country*.  
Startups must be locally owned and based in an African country.
The Startup is focused on contributing to at least one SDG.
Startups leveraging technology in the financial services sector to solve complex development challenges.
Startups with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
*This application is limited to citizens of African Union member states. 

Ready to take your fintech startup to new heights? Apply now and begin your transformative journey! Visit the United Nations Development Programme website for more info!

Application Deadline: June 20th, 2024

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