Women Innovations: Creating a postive balance in the society
The Statement for International Women’s Day by Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women “Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change” clearly shows that a gender equal world, can be achieved with innovations by women and girls that proffer solutions to the needs of both men and women.
KIR Foundation in collaboration with Mrs Francisca Agho the founder of My Lady Carpenter, celebrate women and girls, their innovation and strengths with a HeForShe event at Community Secondary School Amadi Ama where 79 student gathered in attendance.
Mrs Francisca shared the story of how she translated from investment banking to Carpentry; a male dominant industry. She reiterated the value of education for women saying ` an investment in a woman to be the best will create a better balance in the world’. She went further to state that by innovation, persistence and quality service delivery, women can lead in any field of industry.
The executive director of KIR Foundation Mrs Bitebo Gogo in her speech encouraged the female students to change the narrative and create a good image for women. She emphasized that women have to earn their place in by making a positive change in the society. She did not leave the men out, but she admonished them not to see women as threats but as motivation and lend a helping hand.
The event ended with a recognition of one of the teachers who is a HeForShe hero, Mr Tamunomie Otonye. In addition, students regaled the guests with many questions and they shared their personal HeForShe stories.