Examination Malpractice; The New Normal?

If ‘Education’ is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits why then are students in Nigeria being

Odinaka King; King Of Resilience!

  Odinaka King is a KIR Foundation 2018 NDYEP Phase 1 Trainee. He was among the best ten trainees in the phone and computer repairs

International Youth Day 2020

  Youth Engagement for Global Action 2020 What does it mean to be a youth? Youths are people (age 15-35) who actively grow themselves to


Three years ago, after the aftermath of the Boko Haram insurgency, we embarked on a journey together that took us to the remote village of

My KIR Foundation story: The Resource Centre

According to the article published by AllAfrica.com “No fewer than one million students seeking admission through the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), every year

Investing in Today’s Leaders!!

It is often said that “The youth are the Leaders of tomorrow”, but with the recent spike in cultism, militancy, fraud, and get rich quick