The Social Sector Training Programme (SSTP) is Open for Application!

Apply Now!

The Social Sector Training Programme (SSTP) ​is the flagship programme of SoSec College, ​aimed at preparing competent and intentional ​entry-level professionals for the social sector!

It is a 6-month hands-on training with an ​internship opportunity for undergraduate ​students interested in pursuing a career in the ​Social sector. SSTP encompasses 10 core modules that will ​facilitate knowledge, growth, and skill ​development throughout the training period.

Benefits of the Programme:

  • Readiness for entry-level ​roles in Nonprofits and Social ​enterprises
  • Access to a network of ​changemakers across Africa
  • Access to mentorship with ​top industry leaders
  • Certification and recognition as ​a Social sector professional


  • Be a university undergraduate 
  • Have a compelling reason for enrolling in ​the training programme
  • Demonstrate genuine interest and ​motivation in the Social sector
  • Have access to a working laptop and ​internet connection
  • Be willing to dedicate between 3 to 5 hours ​per week to classes
  • Be available for a 3 months internship

Do not miss this chance to pursue a career in the ​Social sector. Visit the Official Webpage of the SoSec College Social Sector Training Programme (SSTP) to learn more and apply!

Application Deadline: 31st May, 2024

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